What to do When You Worry Too much 

​Hey Friend! I didn’t forget about you. I’ve been thinking about the best way to show you Step 4, which is DON’T WORRY. 
I couldn’t think of any other way than to show you a picture of my baby with her her bowed. I’ve always felt that the more you worry about things, the larger they grow. When you just give it to Jesus and let go of your worries I assure you things will make sense. 

This week we’ve been through so many steps that today was meant for you to go all day without hearing from me so that you could look back on steps 1 through 3 and apply those to your day. I’m glad you’re off work, home with the kids, with a ton more to do. That’s the purpose of this post Friend!
Tonight, when the house is quiet and you’ve done everything to get ready for bed, find a quiet place and let it all go. Stop worrying about the crazy kids….they all act up sometimes. Stop worrying about your significant other….if they’re  meant for you things will get better. Stop worrying about you grades….just study more and give it 100% focus. Stop worrying about the house being a mess….Rome wasn’t cleaned in a day…🤔I think that’s what they say. Lol
Just LET GO & STOP WORRYING. Tomorrow will be an awesome day because it’s Friday and of course you have me as your Friend. Talk to you tomorrow 💋👑
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